Discover the New Autumn-Winter Charter 2024
In the heart of Matarraña, where nature meets sustainable luxury, at the Atalaya del Tastavins restaurant we are delighted to present our new Autumn-Winter 2024
In the heart of Matarraña, where nature meets sustainable luxury, at the Atalaya del Tastavins restaurant we are delighted to present our new Autumn-Winter 2024
At Torre del Marqués Hotel Spa & Winary, we have the best gift option for your loved ones: from luxurious getaways to unique experiences in
This Christmas gives away our experiences, a sure success. We have created a selection of captivating categories that will surely make every occasion a memorable
The end of the year is coming and there is no better way to welcome the new year than with a spectacular New Year’s Eve
On the bank of the Tastavins River are born our vineyards, which extend raising the view to the feet of an ancient farmhouse located at
4.7/5 Excellent
1 best hotels in Monroyo
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PROYECTO SUBVENCIONADO CON CARGO AL PROGRAMA DE REACTIVACIÓN ECONÓMICA DE LAS ZONAS DE LA MINERÍA DE CARBÓN. Desarrollado por el Instituto para la Reestructuración de la Minería del Carbón y Desarrollo Alternativo de las Comarcas Mineras.
Programa operativo pluriregional de España 2014- 2020
Beneficiario: Proyectos e Inversiones del Matarraña SL Proyecto: TE/0357/E50
Hotel Rural Torre del Marques 5*
Proyecto cofinanciado
por la Unión Europea
Proyecto subvencionado con cargo
al programa de reactivación económica
de las zonas de la minería de carbón.